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💥激❗ 筍❗ 抵❗ 英國JUST WHOLEFOODS有機水果軟糖—全素




熊仔軟糖 💁‍♂️現批次最佳食用日期:2025年11月 箭豬軟糖 💁‍♂️現批次最佳食用日期:2025年11月 💁🏻‍♀️Facebook介紹重溫👇🏻 https://www.facebook.com/111112357081610/posts/458077995718376/?d=n&mibextid=vwF2z9 https://www.facebook.com/111112357081610/posts/465577951635047/?d=n&mibextid=vwF2z9 熊仔軟糖 🔸榮獲英國great taste 兩星獎 🔹無麩質、人造色素、調味及甜味劑 🔸熊仔造型,色彩繽紛 🔹含黑加侖子、香橙、菠蘿、紅莓口味 箭豬軟糖 🔸榮獲英國great taste 一星獎 🔹榮獲英國健康食品Nourish Awards銀獎 🔸無麩質、人造色素、調味及甜味劑 🔹箭豬造型,可愛非常 🔸含黑加侖子、紅蘋果口味 熊仔軟糖 Vegebears Ingredients: Glucose syrup*, Sugar*, Gelling agent (Pectins), Acidity regulators (Potassium tartrate, Sodium tartrate), Acid (Citric acid), Natural orange flavouring with other natural flavourings, Natural flavourings, 0.6% Fruit and plant concentrates* (Elderberry*, Black carrot*, Raspberry*), Natural turmeric flavouring*, Glazing agent (Carnauba wax*). 箭豬軟糖 Vegehogs Ingredients: Glucose syrup*, Sugar*, Gelling agent (pectins), Acidity regulators (Potassium tartrate, Sodium tartrate), Acid (Citric acid), Natural flavourings, Fruit and plant concentrates* (Carrot*, Apple*, Blackcurrant*, Elderberry*), Glazing agent (Carnauba wax*). *Certified organic ingredient. 淨重:70克 產地:英國

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